• The Sunday Service is primarily a corporate worship time. Be sure you are fully refreshed on Sundays – avoid late Saturday nights.
  • Arrive in good time before the service for prayer.
  • Join others for an in-depth study of the Bible, We call it Christian Education Programme
  • Participate fully in the service – remember that you are not in the service because of anyone. You are there to meet God Himself and to enjoy fellowship with Him, so don’t allow yourself to be distracted by anything. Focus on Him, and come with an expectant heart, asking Him to encounter you right where you are in your life.
  • In addition to your Bible, carry a notebook to enable you to take notes.
  • Please be sure to turn off your mobile phones or put on silent during the service
  • Christian Life Seminars, prayer meetings, the Annual General Meeting, special occasion programs (Christmas and Easter events), picnics, outreaches, etc. Plan to be a part of other activities that will not just enhance your spiritual growth, but also help you to enjoy the Christian walk.

The Pastors are available to pray with, and counsel you concerning any challenges you may be facing.  Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm are specially set apart for this.

The Pastors will appreciate it if you requested for pre-marital counselling before the customary ceremony and at least 3 months before your wedding date.  Let us avoid a rushed period of counselling.